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Our Governors

Meet our Governing Body...

Mrs Meghan Brown
Co-Chair of Governors
Mr Tom Watts
Co-Chair of Governor
Mrs Carly Dron
Vice Chair
Mrs Ally Chadwick





Mr Barry Burningham
Co-opted Governor 
Mr Tim Roberts
Co-opted Governor
Mr Ian Burns
Co-opted Governor  
Mrs Sheena Kitchener
LEA Governor









Vacant Position 
Co-opted Staff Governor
Miss Kerry Hudson
Co-opted Parent Governor
  Ms Kayleigh Kingsland


There are up to twelve members of the school governing body, some elected, some appointed. Their responsibilities include setting the annual budget, maintaining the site and buildings, agreeing general policies and strategic planning. Their responsibilities do not include the internal organisation and day to day running of the school, which is the responsibility of the Headteacher, although he is fully supported in this role by the governors.

The governing body meets at least once a term. There are two subcommittees of the governing body that meet on a regular basis according to need.  These are the Resources (which includes Finance and HR) and Teaching & Learning Committees.  By working in partnership with the Headteacher, staff, parents and the Local Education Authority, the School Governors help to ensure that Wymondley School provides the right learning environment for our pupils. The term of office for all governors is four years, except the Headteacher. A copy of our Instrument of Government is attached below.

Governor attendance at meetings for academic year 2024-25

    T&L Res FGB T&L Res FGB T&L FGB   Res FGB
    18/9/24 2/10/24 9/10/24 15/1/25 29/1/25          

Meghan Brown



N Y Y N            

Tom Watts



Y Y Y Y            

Ally Chadwick



Y Y Y Y            

Claire Burningham


Staff N Y




Sheena Kitchener


LEA Y N Y Y            

Barry Burningham


Co-opted Y N Y N            

Geoff Pick


Co-opted N Y Y              

Carly Dron



(Vice Chair)

Y N Y Y            

Kerry Hudson


Parent N Y Y N            

Ian Burns


Associate N Y N N            
Timothy Roberts Co-opted N/A N/A





Governor Declarations 2024-2025

Governor                     Term of Office

     Declaration of

     Business Interests

Read and familiar with

Keeping Children Safe in Education and

School Child Protection policy

Meghan Brown

10 October 2020

to 09 October 2028

None Yes

Sheena Kitchener

13 November 2019

to 12 November 2027

None Yes

Tom Watts

4 March 2019

to 3 March 2027

Ordinance Survey employee Yes

Geoff Pick

24 March 2021

to 8 March 2025

None Yes

Barry Burningham

27 January 2021

to 26 January 2025

None Yes
Ian Burns

1 December 2023

to 30 November 2027

None Yes
Carly Dron 

5 October 2022

4 October 2026

None Yes

Alison Chadwick

1 September 2023

to 31 August 2027



Kerry Hudson

17 May 2023

to 16 May 2027

None Yes
Timothy Roberts

25 November 2024

to 24 November 2028

None Yes

Schools Financial Benchmarking

You can view your school or academy trust's financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts by clicking here. There are no staff at Wymondley JMI School with a salary exceeding £100,000.

Please click here to access Wymondley JMI School's dedicated page on the Schools Financial Benchmarking and Insights website.