NEW OPENING TIME - From September 2024, the school gates will open at 08:40am and close at 08:45am. This is to bring the school into line with new DfE rules which state that the school week should be 32.5 hours
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Home Learning

Home Learning at Wymondley

At Wymondley, there is an expectation that every child accesses Reading Eggs, Doodle Maths, and Spelling Shed (Year 2 upwards) on regular occasions each week at home to develop their decoding and comprehension, their mathematical mental fluency and their spelling ability. All three of these platforms are accessed and used regularly in the classroom as part of timetabled learning. Every child is also able to access their Purple Mash school folder by logging in through their school Gmail account. Purple Mash is used regularly in school as part of our computing curriculum. Broadly speaking, these are current expectations for specific year groups: 


Puffins (Reception)

Daily time together reading is very important in order to foster a love of language and learning. Aim to look at your child’s reading book for ten minutes each day. Encouraging your child to look out for signs, menus and posters will also help with their reading. Asking your child to spot the letter sounds from school phonics sessions will be very beneficial.


Toucans (Year 1 & 2)

  • Phonics mat - This was sent home in the pack and ideally needs to be used daily to help your child retain the phonics learning we are doing in school. You can simply read through the sounds with your child or use them to help sound out words to write. These activities should be recorded in the Reading Record.
  • Games - These were also sent home in the pack and are linked to the phonics sounds. They are a way for your child to practise sounding out and blending individual words. Playing these should be recorded in the Reading Record.
  • Reading book - We will send out a new reading book each Thursday which needs to be returned to us on a Monday. Reading from this and any other home books should be recorded in the Reading Record.
  • Online platforms - Your child has log in details for Reading Eggs, Spelling Shed and DoodleMaths which are the online platforms we use to help develop fluency. The aim is that your child accesses each of these at least twice a week. The use of these will be monitored by us and your child can earn a brick for our class treat jar.
  • Google Classroom - Every Monday, we would like you to send us a photo of that week’s page from your child’s Reading Record so we can see what you have been up to. At times, we will set extra activities on here linked to our learning in class. We will also be including activities for your child to complete at home should they be unable to attend school due to self-isolation.


Peacocks (Years 3 & 4)

Children should complete each of the following at least three times each week on three separate occasions: 

  • Doodle Maths
  • Spelling Shed
  • Reading their school reading book (they can also use Reading Eggpress)

Home learning should be recorded on the sheet provided each week and handed in on a Monday. Children can fill in the home learning record themselves, however this needs to be signed by an adult from home each week. Spellings will usually be checked weekly, online on a Monday. New spellings will usually be set on Mondays through Spelling Shed. Times tables will usually be checked online every Monday.


Eagles (Years 5 & 6)

Children should complete each of the following at least three times each week on three separate occasions: 

  • Doodle Maths
  • Spelling Shed
  • Reading their school reading book

Home learning should be recorded on the sheet provided each week and handed in on a Friday. Children can fill in the home learning record themselves, however this needs to be signed by an adult from home each week. Spellings will usually be checked weekly, online on a Friday. New spellings will usually be set on Fridays through Spelling Shed. Times tables will usually be checked online every Monday.

Over holiday periods extended projects based on the topic that the class are due to learn about may be set.
