NEW OPENING TIME - From September 2024, the school gates will open at 08:40am and close at 08:45am. This is to bring the school into line with new DfE rules which state that the school week should be 32.5 hours
Home Page

Peacocks - Year 3 & 4

Welcome to the Peacocks class!


Welcome to our class page. We hope to give you a snap shot of all the wonderful things we have been doing throughout the year in Peacocks. Our curriculum guides below give you more information on what the children will be learning about over the year ahead.

As the year progresses, the children's learning will be added below for you to enjoy and discuss with your children at home.

Welcome to Peacock's Classroom!

Stone Age Day 


This week Peacock's tried to recreate Stonehenge using custard cream biscuits. Lots of fun was had by all for mental health day.
