Peer Mediation at Wymondley
This September (2022), our Year 5 and 6 children will be being trained as Peer Mediators to give them the skill set to be able to mediate playground disputes at break and lunchtimes across the school. Being able to resolve conflict is a key skill that every person needs to learn, as conflict is unfortunately a part of life and is something that will almost certainly be experienced by everyone, to varying degrees, in every stage of their life. Peer mediation is a good way for this skill to be developed in the safe environment of the school and with the support of our staff team.
This page will be updated following the training of our Year 5 and 6 children, but the material below that will be used by the trainers when they come in to train the children, will give you more of an understanding of what peer mediation is and how it works...
S.A.R.A.H is very important
Mediators Safety Rules
Body Language
Here are some tips to help you with positive, listening body language...
CHAIR – 90 degrees to the client, not directly facing them.
POSTURE - Relaxed, open, not leaning too far forward, back or to the side.
ARMS – Loose, uncrossed.
HANDS- Relaxed, sometimes with hands together or open.
LEGS – Feet on the floor, avoid crossing.
EYES – Comfortable eye contact.
HEAD – Nod to convey agreement and give encouragement. Head on one side can signal empathy.
VOICE – Calm, clear with warm tone.
The 5 Steps to Mediation
The Mediator's Promise...
We will not take sides
We will not tell you what to do
We will not gossip
Speak one at a time
Speak with respect
Don’t blame the other person
Make sure they agree!!