NEW OPENING TIME - From September 2024, the school gates will open at 08:40am and close at 08:45am. This is to bring the school into line with new DfE rules which state that the school week should be 32.5 hours
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Everyone Loves a Baby!

Everyone Loves a Baby!

It was that time of year again when children from Puffins class and Toucans class joined together, dressed up in nativity costumes and took to the stage for this years nativity performance of Everyone Loves a Baby. With a morning and evening performance to contend with it was a long day for the younger members of the school, but how well they coped and how well they performed!

As a staff team, we were so proud of each and every one of them as they did so well conquering the nerves and performing their parts so very well! Many thanks to our Puffins and Toucans staff team for putting together such a heart-warming Christmas play!
